Carol Vasconcelos was born into a magical family, descendend from fairy women from the enchanted land of the great sleeping volcano, where the raibow reigns and never, never disappears. She studied at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, participated in epic journeys, traveled between worlds and galaxies far far away. During her travels, she met bards who told her many stories.Then, she decided to write them.


Carol Vasconcelos was born in Natal/RN, Brazil. Currently, she lives in Victoria, BC, Canada. She holds a degree in Psychology and Specialist in Systemic Family Therapy. She is a content creator and she has a Youtube Channel with more than 5K subscribers where she talks about several things related to the world of pop culture and entertainment, mainly movies, TV shows and books. Inspired by "Harry Potter", "Soprinho" and "Peter Pan" she started writing at the age of 12 and published her first book, entitled "The Tales of the Magical World", in 2010, at the age of 21. Carol also wrote "Daughter of Gaia", "The Story of Lilith", "Skull's Island" and the "Trilogy Eterea" that has already two books: "Eterea" and "Daughter of Magic". The last volume will come out soon. Carol is currently working on two new book projects, with no details yet released.

Carol is Potterhead and she swears to have seen fairies.

Name: Carolina Vasconcelos Lima
Birth: 1988, November, 03.
Education: CEI (Center of Integrated Education), UNP and UNIRN (Universities)
Favorite authors: J. K. Rowling and Raphael Draccon
Others preferences: C. S. Lewis, J. M. Barrie, J. R. R. Tolkien, Marion Zimmer Bradley, George R. R. Martin, Eduardo Spohr, Carolina Munhóz, Dan Brown and others.

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